SVP PEPR Cybersécurité

PEPR Cybersecurity Security Verification Protocol

CNRS Silver Medal : Véronique Cortier

CNRS Silver Medal: Véronique Cortier strengthens the security of electronic voting

Véronique Cortier, a researcher in computer science at the Lorraine Laboratory for Research in Computer Science and it’s Applications (Loria – CNRS/University of Lorraine/Inria), is particularly noteworthy for her scientific, industrial and societal impact on electronic voting. Her fundamental work has made it possible to define the essential security properties of a voting protocol and to develop formal methods to verify them. This work has earned her the CNRS silver medal.
Discover the portrait of Véronique Cortier on on the INS2i website

Software Tools

  • F* : Verification system for effectful programs
  • CryptoVerif : Cryptographic protocol verifier in the computational model
  • ProVerif : Cryptographic protocol verifier in the symbolic model
  • Squirrel : Interactive prover for security protocols in the computational model.
  • SAPIC+ :
  • AKISS :

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