SVP PEPR Cybersécurité

PEPR Cybersecurity Security Verification Protocol

SVP days 2024

The SVP Days 2024 took place in the Inria Center in Paris on the 6th of February 2024, you can find the program and presentation bellow.


  • Riou, S. (2024). Verification of security protocols: using SMT solvers in the Squirrel prover
  • Sauvage, J. (2024). Systematic Cryptographic Reductions Using Bi-Deduction
  • Catinaud, M. (2024). Formalizing Zero-Knowledge proofs for electronic voting in the CCSA model
  • Herouard, C. (2024). Secrecy by typing in the computational model
  • Hirschi, L. (2024). DY Fuzzing: Formal Dolev-Yao Models Meet Protocol Fuzz Testing
  • Fromherz, A. (2024). Modularity, Code Specialization, and Zero-Cost Abstractions for Program Verification
  • Avanzini, M. (2024). Hopping Proofs of Expectation-Based Properties: Applications to Skiplists and Security Proofs
  • Debant, A. (2024). Election Verifiability with ProVerif


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